Should I Get Help for My Lower Back Pain?

Lower back pain is a common complaint, but sometimes it’s a sign of a more serious condition that requires professional attention. If you’re experiencing any of the following symptoms, it may be time to see an orthopedic spine specialist. Here are six critical signs to watch out for:

Persistent Pain

Occasional lower back pain is very normal, especially after strenuous activities like lifting heavy objects or bending over for prolonged periods of time. But if your pain persists for more than six weeks, you may need a medical evaluation. Persistent pain should prompt you to seek spinal imaging and assessment to determine the underlying cause and receive appropriate treatment.

Severe Pain

You should not have to suffer from intense lower back pain that affects your daily activities or requires you to use assistive devices like walkers. If your pain is debilitating, seek help! An orthopedic spine surgeon can diagnose the source of your pain and recommend treatment to alleviate your symptoms.

Post-Injury Pain

Lower back pain following a traumatic event, such as a car accident or sports injury, should always be evaluated by a professional. Back injuries can cause significant damage that may not be immediately apparent but could lead to significant long-term problems if left untreated.

Radiating Pain

If your lower back pain spreads to other parts of your body (such as your buttocks or legs), it might indicate an underlying health issue. Radiating pain warrants spinal imaging and a thorough evaluation to determine the cause.

Pain that Comes and Goes

Lower back pain that comes and goes in waves can be indicative of an underlying spinal problem. If you experience stable periods of pain followed by sudden flare-ups, or if certain activities commonly trigger your lower back pain, it’s time to seek an evaluation.

Pain Accompanied by Neurological Symptoms

Spinal problems can sometimes lead to neurological issues in addition to lower back pain. Symptoms like numbness, weakness, incontinence, balance problems, and even paralysis can develop if certain spinal conditions progress. To prevent permanent nerve damage, immediate consultation with an orthopedic spine surgeon is crucial if you notice any of these symptoms.

How to Get an Accurate Diagnosis and Treatment

An orthopedic spine surgeon can help you get an accurate diagnosis and establish an effective treatment plan for your lower back pain. To diagnose your lower back pain, your spine surgeon will conduct a comprehensive evaluation, which may include a detailed medical history, physical examination, MRI, CT scan, X-rays, and reflex testing.

Depending on the cause and severity of your pain, as well as your health and well-being, treatment options for lower back pain can vary from conservative methods to surgical intervention. Conservative treatments often provide sufficient relief, but in some cases surgery is necessary. Rest assured that with the right treatment plan, you can achieve significant relief from lower back pain.

To schedule a consultation with our orthopedic spine surgeon, call (714) 538-8549 or contact us online today.